Bencab Graphics, A Print Retrospective at the NCCA Gallery

I know it's a bit late already since the exhibit opened last May 12 but you still have 12 more days to check out the print retrospective exhibit of National Artist Benedicto Cabrera, more popularly known as BENCAB at the NCCA Gallery. The exhibit is actually held in celebration of Heritage Month this May and features his most essential outputs in the printmaking medium.

Sorry, it's not Bencab

 Exhibit is on view until 12 June 2011. Gallery Hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00AM – 5:00PM. For details please contact: Jenny Picart, Ethel Buluran or Mimi Santos at 527-21-92 loc. 512 or email them at

If you are in Intramuros or planning to visit the area, why not drop by the NCCA Gallery and get in touch with your artsy side. This the Wandering Lion signing out. Peace.


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